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Enables player linking functionality that's typical in mobile games where guest players who've earned progress and potentially even purchased assets want to centralize their assets on a registered player. Linking a guest player to a registered player will bulk transfer all assets from the guest player's wallet to the registered player's wallet. The mergedFrom field is set on the guest player for traceability. If a registered player already existed, the registered player record will be marked deleted and the mergedAt field updated. The guest player will also receive the mergedAt timestamp and will continue to function normally. A player can only be involved in a merge once.
The identifier of the guest player to be merged.
The JSON web token of the registered player which the guest will be linked to.
bearer token for the registered mythical player
Allows a player to be created without having gone through registration, enabling a frictionless first time user experience including asset ownership.
Unique identifier of the player
The oauthid of the guest player which was linked to this registered player. This will be null if this account has never been linked
The date and time at which the guest player was linked.
Retrieve a single player by their id.
Unique identifier of the player
The oauthid of the guest player which was linked to this registered player. This will be null if this account has never been linked
The date and time at which the guest player was linked.
Retrieves a list of items owned by a given player.
Unique identifier of the item
Unique identifier of the item
The id of the player who owns the item
The on-chain unique identifier of the item within its given collection. The token id of the item is displayed in the Mythical Marketplace.
The current state of the item on chain
The location where the public metadata json is stored